I made a post about automysophobia because without realizing im one of them, Im really afraid to be dirty. Sometimes i can feel like frustation or stress when my hand or other my organs stained with soil, oil, ink, and etc. I found an article from someone else about mental disorders of automysophobia. With good intentions, i quote the article and hopefully useful for my blog readers.
Automysophobia is the fear of being dirty. People with this fear may wash excessively (a condition known as ablutomania). The origin of the word auto is Greek (meaning self), myso is Greek (meaning filth) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear). Automysophobia is considered to be a specific phobia. Automysophobia is also related to Autodysomophobia (fear of one that has a vile odour), Spermatophobia (fear of germs) and Mysophobia and Misophobia (fear of dirt or germs or being contaminated with dirt or germs).