December 18, 2010

Spatial The Radakng House

December 18, 2010
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In principle, radakng is a unit several houses are built one by one so as to form a long house (betang) with a unique social characteristics. Therefore, radakng not be equated with a shop or row house as usual in cities.The uniqueness can be seen in spatial and radakng function. The following functions and spatial picture of the house radakng:

1.    Pante, located at the front of the main building. This section is open with no roof, floors are rarely woven (dilalitn) with roots and rotan.Ada all of them using wire and paku.Sebagai the front of the building, Pante is located in the East. Therefore, the passage of light to obtain a very long time, so the function becomes a clothesline. Routinely, Pante be a place to dry clothes. At harvest time, Pante serves to dry or dry rice to be stored or ground.

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History Of Development The Radakng House

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Background of the radakng development  relate to contemporary. its needs related to security, social needed and economic, topographical, environmental and strategic.

Maiden (1997), the history of the origins of society same as community of Talaga. According to Sahabm oral traditions ,community Talaga is the third generation of Ne’ Anteber and Ne’ Galember ,as the Dayak people first began to occupy Mount Bawakng. Then the offspring, Ne’ Jamang and Ne’ Janyala with their grandchildren and his wife descendants moved from Mountain Bawankng to Mount Keongkandang. its growing and formed Sangku village', Mangkit, Nahaya ', and some spread in Tayan Hilir.

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December 11, 2010

The Radakng House

December 11, 2010
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The popular house from West Kalimantan called house of betang ,  but its known by various terms, such as Lamin in East Kalimantan, and radakng in Pontianak District, Landak, Bengkayang, and Singkawang. Therefore, term of radakng will be used consistently.

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